The Shore Center Signage

Our school needs a new sign outside our building at 100 Tornillo Way in Tinton Falls.  The building actually faces Shafto road, a very heavily traveled Monmouth County road.  In addition, smaller signs are needed throughout the property to guide our buses, parents, and visitors.

We would be happy to give the sponsor of this project the following considerations:

  • A special Shore Center puzzle plaque will be awarded with your name
  • Your company’s name will be added to our website and included in all our newsletters and listed as a sponsor
  • Discount coupons, if appropriate, will be displayed for any displayed for any products you wish to advertise
  • The newsletter and website link will be forwarded to 10,000 New Jersey educational professionals
  • Tour company’s name/logo will be added to our “Shore Center Walk/Run” event tee-shirt as a sponsor.
  • All donations made to the Shore Center for Students with Autism should be forwarded to our foundation.

The Monmouth-Ocean Education Foundation is a New Jersey, non-profit corporation pursuant to Title 15 of the revised statutes of the State of New Jersey, has been granted an exempt organization status pursuant to Section 501(c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code and has registered as a charity with the New Jersey Department of Law and Public Safety, Division of Consumer Affairs, Office of Consumer Protection, the Charitable Registration and Investigation Section.  As such, donations to the foundation may be eligible as a charitable deduction for income tax purposes.  You should check with you tax advisor if you have any questions about you donation’s tax deductibility.

The Shore Center for Students with Autism is a public school but receives no state, federal or municipal taxes to support its operations.